Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Credit Union 24® ATM and POS Network New Exhibitor 2011

Credit Union 24 is a credit union-owned, full-service EFT network that brings nationwide ATM and point-of-sale (POS) access to credit unions. Founded as a credit union alternative more than 30 years ago, Credit Union 24 offers a flexible, cooperative EFT environment designed to empower credit unions to attract and retain members. Credit Union 24 is the only national credit union-owned POS network. Credit Union 24 also counts 250,000 ATM locations nationally and internationally, many of them deposit-taking, and offers the nation’s largest surcharge-free ATM access with over 65,000 locations.  Visit their website at; http://www.cu24.com/CREDIT_UNION_24/ 

New Exhibitor 2011

Let's give FISERV a big welcome to the 2011 conference.
Fiserv, Inc. (NASDAQ: FISV) is the leading global provider of information management and electronic commerce systems for the financial services industry. We are trusted by more than 16,000 clients worldwide including banks, credit unions and thrifts of all sizes; mortgage lenders and leasing companies; telecommunications and utility companies; brokerage and investment firms; healthcare and insurance providers; and retailers and municipalities.

We help our clients solve complex business challenges. Maybe they want to grow deposits or do a better job of attracting and retaining customers. Maybe they are fighting fraud or need to get a handle on regulatory compliance. We provide the expertise and tools to help them deal with these types of issues.
Visit their website at; http://www.fiserv.com/

New Exhibitor 2011

Let's give Enterprise a big welcome to the 2011 conference!

For more than 30 years, Enterprise Car Sales has partnered with Credit Unions, generating almost $10 billion in auto loan volume. As the leader in the used car marketplace, we offer an auto-buying service that helps you increase loan volume and strengthen member loyalty.

Visit their website to see all they have to offer firefighter credit unions.